Shipping & Delivery Policy

We are committed to delivering your order in quality packaging and in good condition in the shortest span of time possible. We dispatch orders throughout the week, except on Sundays and public holidays. All shipments are made through our reputed logistics partners.

Processing an order

Most orders are shipped within 24 - 72 hours of confirmation of order to your registered shipping address with us. The delivery of the order will be done within 10 days from date of dispatch, depending upon the location. We make every effort to process your order as quickly as possible. The shipments will be done through any one of our delivery partners.

Non delivery of Package

Incorrect Address: We do not take responsibility if the delivery address provided is incorrect. If a package is returned to us because the address is incorrect or outdated, we will consider the order status as closed. Please carefully check to make sure that you have entered current and correct address.

Refusal to accept

If the recipient of the product refuses to accept the delivery of the product/products, the package will be returned to us and the order will be considered as closed.

Product received in damaged condition

If you receive our product in damaged condition, please call customer care at 9539999660 or email us at . Please share video of the unboxing along with a clear picture of the product in the condition it was received, for us to address the issue.

Cancelling an order

For cancellations and address revisions, please email us within 24 hours of placing your order so we can make the necessary changes before the order is dispatched. At this time, we are unable to edit the contents of your order after it is confirmed. We do not accept returns due to the perishable nature of the products.

Offline sales/distribution

For distribution and supply related queries, please send your contact number, email, location, pin code, and requirements to and our team will get in touch with you.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding our shipping and delivery policy email us at .You can also reach out to customer care at 9539999660. We will get back to you within 24 hours. Our business hours are from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Saturday, except on public holiday.